
Before & Afters

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+ 1 Area of Liposuction






All Fillers $100 Off Through The Month Of May

Procedure Time
2 - 4 hrs
Recovery Time
2 weeks
+ 1 Area of Liposuction

All Fillers $100 Off Through The Month Of May

Procedure Time
2 - 4 hrs
Recovery Time
2 weeks
Brazilian Butt Lift Portland

Dermal filler injections are among the most popular cosmetic procedures in the United States with over a million injections performed every year. Within the dermal filler category, hyaluronic acid fillers are by far the most popular due to their good safety profile and versatility.

Starts from

Juvederm Ultra


Juvederm Ultra Plus


Juvederm Voluma


Ultra : Normally used as a lip filler, Juvederm Ultra can also treat the nasolabial folds. Typically, Ultra is considered among the thinnest of Juvederm's fillers. It lasts on average around three to six months.

Ultra Plus : Contains lidocaine for improved comfort and is also used for dramatic lip augmentation. It is also used in the nasolabial folds. Slightly thicker than Ultra, it has a few more uses and sometimes is used in the cheeks or chin. It is versatile and great for volume loss and facial wrinkles. Juvederm Ultra Plus also lasts around six months, though can last longer in some places and individuals.

Voluma : Among the longest lasting hyaluronic acid option, Voluma is typically used in the chin or cheeks. It can last up to two years. Out of all hyaluronic acid fillers, it is often considered the one that lasts the longest.

Description :

Juvederm Bellevue & Kirkland

Dermal filler injections are among the most popular cosmetic procedures in the United States with over a million injections performed every year. Within the dermal filler category, hyaluronic acid fillers are by far the most popular due to their good safety profile and versatility. Two filler manufacturers offer hyaluronic acid fillers–Restylane and Juvederm. Both are about equal in usage and most providers offer both. Northwest Face & Body offers the best Juvederm Bellevue and Kirkland provides.

The Lowdown On Juvederm

Juvederm is a type of cosmetic injectable known as a dermal filler. It is injected for two main purposes: to fill hollows and wrinkles or to augment areas of the face. Primarily used on the face, dermal fillers like Juvederm are among the top non-surgical procedures for anti-aging. With millions of filler injections performed every year, it is an extremely popular and versatile tool for looking younger and achieving your ideal facial aesthetic.

Within facial fillers, some subcategories refer to what the filler is made out of. Juvederm belongs to the largest and most used classification: hyaluronic acid fillers. This means that Juvederm is lower risk than semi-permanent fillers and can treat more places such as the lips.

The master injectors at Northwest Face & Body are masters at using Juvederm to artfully augment and fill in facial features. Northwest Face & Body provides the best Juvederm Bellevue and Kirkland offers.

The Lowdown On Juvederm

Juvederm has many applications across the face. Some of the areas Juvederm can treat include:

Patients can usually treat multiple areas at once. Juvederm also pairs well with neurotoxin treatment such as BOTOX or Dysport. Your master injector will discuss which areas you are a candidate for treatment and the best Juvederm filler for each area.

Advantages Of Hyaluronic Acid Based Fillers

Hyaluronic acid is found naturally in the body, the largest concentrations of which are in the eyes and joints. Therefore, while rejection or allergy to the filler is possible, it is highly unlikely. Another major benefit of hyaluronic acid filler is that they have a natural reversal agent, hyaluronidase.

When injected, it breaks up the filler. If you experience major side effects or complications or end up unhappy with your new look, there is an easy antidote. This also increases the safety of hyaluronic acid fillers when compared with other types of fillers. If occlusion (the injection of filler into a blood vessel) or an adverse event occurs, it can be immediately addressed in the office.

While it may not seem like an advantage at first, the temporary nature of hyaluronic acid fillers allows patients to stop treatments whenever they want, try out various filler options, and try out different looks each time. This experimentation allows patients to find the exactly right filler option and technique for them.

Types Of Juvederm Filler

Juvederm makes a few different fillers that each have a slightly varied consistency and tend to be used in different areas. The main Juvederm offerings are Juvederm Ultra, Juvederm Ultra Plus, and Juvederm Voluma. Your master injector can discuss each option with you in detail and help determine which is best for the area you are treating and your goals.

  • Ultra: Normally used as a lip filler, Juvederm Ultra can also treat the nasolabial folds. Typically, Ultra is considered among the thinnest of Juvederm's fillers. It lasts on average around three to six months.
  • Ultra Plus: Contains lidocaine for improved comfort and is also used for dramatic lip augmentation. It is also used in the nasolabial folds. Slightly thicker than Ultra, it has a few more uses and sometimes is used in the cheeks or chin. It is versatile and great for volume loss and facial wrinkles. Juvederm Ultra Plus also lasts around six months, though can last longer in some places and individuals.
  • Voluma: Among the longest lasting hyaluronic acid option, Voluma is typically used in the chin or cheeks. It can last up to two years. Out of all hyaluronic acid fillers, it is often considered the one that lasts the longest.

Before & After Juvederm Injections In Bellevue


The first step for undergoing Juvederm filler injections in Bellevue is to attend a consultation with a master injector. At this appointment, your master injector will ask you about your goals, medical history, history with fillers, and lifestyle. They may also briefly examine the area to evaluate the skin quality, thickness, and other factors that influence the filler choice and process.

If they believe you are a good candidate for your chosen procedure, they will discuss the many fillers you have to choose from. In some cases, you may undergo filler injections the same day. Otherwise, you can schedule your appointment at your convenience or before leaving the office.

Injection Process

First, your master injector will prep the injection sites. This involves disinfecting the areas with alcohol and cleansing them of any makeup or environmental debris. After this, they will likely apply topical numbing cream. This will sit for around ten to twenty minutes. During this time, your injector will prepare the Juvederm.

Your master injector will then begin the filler injections. Depending on the treatment, they may use a needle or cannula. If using a needle, they will start injections immediately. With a cannula, they will make a small entry point for the cannula using a small needle. After inserting the needle or cannula they will slowly inject the filler. They may move the needle within the injection point or inject at multiple sites to add volume evenly for the ideal results.

For most areas, the injections themselves do not take longer than about ten to fifteen minutes. You can have multiple areas treated at the same time. Along with the topical numbing cream, the Juvederm contains a small amount of lidocaine to help ease the filler as it is injected.


In the days following the injections, you may notice some common side effects such as:

  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Redness
  • Discomfort
  • Itchiness
  • Lumps

For the most part, these side effects should clear up in a week or two. For a day or two following Juvederm injections, your master injector may recommend avoiding strenuous exercise, alcohol, and certain blood-thinning medications and supplements.

Your filler will continue to settle for about two weeks. If you still notice lumps, unevenness, or the result does not fit your goals after two weeks, our master injectors can perform a quick touch up.

Frequenty Asked Questions :

How Long Do Juvederm Fillers Last?
Who Should Not Use Juvederm?
How Do You Make Fillers Last Longer?
Is Voluma The Best Juvederm Filler?
How Much Are Juvederm Fillers?
Procedure Time
2 - 4 hrs
Recovery Time
2 weeks

Brazilian Butt Lift Portland

Juvederm Ultra


With Injector/MD

Restylane L


With Injector/MD

Cheek Filler


With Injector/MD

Jaw Filler


With Injector/MD

Lip Filler


With Injector/MD

Chin Filler


With Injector/MD

Tear Trough Filler


/ per vial

With Injector/MD

Temple Filler


With Injector/MD

Smile Line Filler


With Injector/MD

Procedure Time
2 - 4 hrs
Recovery Time
2 weeks

Brazilian Butt Lift Portland


20 Units

with Surgeon/Injector


30 Units

with Surgeon/Injector

Semaglutide Injections

per month

(includes medication, all supplies necessary, diet & exercise plan, and the consultation with monthly follow up appointments)

Semaglutide Tablets

per month

(includes medication, diet, & exercise plan, and the consultation with monthly follow up appointments)

Free In Person & Virtual Semaglutide ConsultationsStart Booking

Brazilian Butt Lift Portland | Northwest Face & Body

A curvy hourglass figure is largely considered the ideal feminine body type in today’s society. Due to various factors like athleticism, weight loss, having children, and the natural aging process, many women can lose volume in the buttocks and gain it in other areas. While not everyone is born with a curvy figure, volume loss can make them seek a fat transfer procedure. This is known as a Brazilian butt lift, or BBL. Northwest Face & Body provides the best Brazilian butt lift Portland performs.

Brazilian Butt Lift Overview

Brazilian butt lift surgery is a fat transfer procedure that uses liposuction to harvest fat from various areas of the body. The fat is then cleaned and injected into the buttocks to increase volume, roundness, and projection. The exact placement will depend on the patient’s anatomy and goals. At one point, only patients with a good amount of fat were candidates for a BBL. Now, with better liposuction technology, many thinner patients can undergo the procedure.

The surgery is a few hours long and performed under general anesthesia. Patients can choose to combine their BBL with another procedure. They must be candidates for both and can withstand an extended surgical session.

Traveling To Northwest Face & Body

Northwest Face & Body is located in Kirkland, WA, approximately a four hour drive north of Portland, Oregon. Why travel to Northwest Face & Body for your Brazilian butt lift? Northwest Face & Body has served the Pacific Northwest for over three decades. With some of the top providers of plastic surgery, injectables, and medical skincare, Northwest Face & Body is the prime location. You can meet some of the nation’s foremost experts in BBL and body contouring surgery.

The office also offers unique accommodations for out-of-town patients. For example, Northwest Face & Body works with local hotels to offer discounts to patients. The team can arrange or recommend various other necessities such as caregiving and transportation services. 

Few plastic surgery offices offer concierge services to make their patients feel at home and as comfortable as possible. Northwest Face & Body always goes the extra mile to accommodate patients.

Benefits & Risks

A Brazilian butt lift procedure comes with many benefits for qualifying patients. While the main focus of the surgery is buttock augmentation, it affects the overall contours of the body. Some benefits patients may experience following BBL surgery include:

Any surgery comes with risk. For most good candidates, there is minimal risk associated with Brazilian butt lift surgery. Regardless, patients need to understand the risks before undergoing the surgery. Your plastic surgeon will thoroughly discuss this with you before surgery.

From Top To Bottom: Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery


The first step to getting the best BBL is to schedule a consultation at Northwest Face & Body. The office offers both in-person consultations at one of our three locations or virtual consultations via FaceTime or Skype. The consultation will remain nearly the same regardless of the option you choose.

When you meet with your plastic surgeon, they will first want to know about your concerns and goals. This helps them understand your desired results. After this, they will review your medical history and relevant lifestyle aspects. Finally, they will perform a physical (or visual in the case of a virtual consultation) examination of the area. This helps them get an idea of what is possible based on your current body.

After this, your plastic surgeon will determine if you are a good candidate. They will also describe the results you can expect such as an estimation of the amount of fat possible to harvest. Before the end of the appointment, you will receive personalized pricing and financing information.


Your plastic surgeon will provide you with pre-operative instructions as well as logistical arrangements to make. Some of the preparations they may recommend include:

Otherwise, on the day of surgery, your preparations will take place mostly in the office. The Northwest Face & Body team will run the initial tests necessary and take your vitals. Once cleared for surgery on the day of, your plastic surgeon will make markings and review the surgical plan with you.


A licensed anesthesia provider will place you under general anesthesia. Your plastic surgeon will begin liposuction in the agreed upon areas. Common liposuction areas for a BBL include the abdomen, flanks, thighs, waist, and lower back. The liposuction process may take a couple of hours to break up and harvest the necessary amount of fat.

Once your plastic surgeon finishes liposuction, they will clean the fat of blood and other bodily substances. Using a technique known as fat grafting, they will then use a liposuction cannula to inject the fat into the buttocks. This obtains the desired shape and size of the buttocks.


Portland Brazilian butt lift patients will receive customized instructions based on their procedure. Patients from out of town stay until at least one week after surgery to ensure good healing. BBL recovery instructions often include:

Frequently Asked Questions

When Can I Return Home?

Generally, your plastic surgeon will want you to stay in town for at least one week. Though, you should be prepared to stay longer or commute. Your plastic surgeon may want to continue seeing you in person to monitor your condition and healing. Most patients can return home in a week or less.

What Do BBL Scars Look Like?

Brazilian butt lift incisions consist of liposuction cannula entry points which are usually extremely small. For many patients, the incisions will heal well and not scar. However, if they do, they are small scars that are hidden well within your natural body contours. Your plastic surgeon will recommend a scar regimen called Scar Protocol to start during your recovery to promote minimal scarring.

What Is ‘Fluffing’ After A Brazilian Butt Lift?

The term “fluffing” is used to describe the period of healing that usually occurs somewhere around two months after surgery. During this “fluffing period,” the skin of the buttocks stretches to accommodate the transferred fat. This leads to the buttocks taking on a look much closer to the expected final result. 

It is called “fluffing” because the buttocks should begin to look and feel softer. Much of the fat has likely created a healthy blood supply and taken permanent root in the area. This is when many patients truly become enamored with their results.

Can Your Body Reject The Fat?

No, not in the traditional sense. Since the fat comes from the patient’s own body, the body will not reject it. However, if the fat fails to create a healthy blood supply in the transferred area, the body will absorb it. This is expected to happen to an average of 10% to 30% of the fat.

Your plastic surgeon will account for this expected absorption by transferring slightly more fat than necessary. This maintains your desired size, shape, and projection while accommodating the natural healing process.

How Much Is A Portland BBL?

In Portland, the average cost of a Brazilian butt lift is $9,500. At Northwest Face & Body, the starting cost of a BBL is $4,000. This includes one area of liposuction and additional areas will incur additional costs. Still, this is significantly below the Portland average and makes coming to Northwest Face & Body more feasible.

Northwest Face & Body works with outside financing companies including Care Credit and United Medical Credit. This helps give you flexibility in scheduling your Brazilian butt lift. Gender affirming Brazilian butt lift surgery may be covered by insurance.

The Best Brazilian Butt Lift Portland Offers

Northwest Face & Body has served the plastic surgery needs of the Pacific Northwest for over three decades. Providing high quality plastic surgery and non-surgical cosmetic procedures, Northwest Face & Body aims to help all of our patients achieve their cosmetic goals. As one of the leading and most experienced providers of BBLs, Northwest Face & Body provides the best Brazilian butt lift Portland residents can get.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 425-576-1700. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.

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3100 Carillon Point
Kirkland, WA 98033
(425) 576-1700
(425) 827-7725
Mon – Fri 8 am to 9 pm
Sat – Sun 8 am to 6:30 pm